My Wrinkle in Time

Well, here we are folks-March 2023. That may not mean much to you, but it’s pretty significant for me. On March 29, I will be 60. Oh, I know all of you 60+ women are probably saying, 

“Pish Posh-60’s nothing.” 
But I’ve been having some thoughts about this. Here are a few of them.
I have 4 sisters (no brothers). 
They are the most amazing women I know.
I’m the second youngest.
I’m one of the babies.
How can I be 60?
When my son was born in April 1993, I had just turned 30 and my dad was 60, later in April. I remember thinking, “Gee, I’m glad I’m the one who’s 30 and not 60!”  How can that be 30 years ago?
I didn’t see a big difference between 30 and 50. I would like to think I’ll say the same 20 years from now when I’m, gulp, 80. But I kind of doubt that.
I don’t feel 60. Will I feel 80?
When I’m 80 my granddaughter will be 21.
My youngest sister and I are both Grandmas. My mom recently told me that when she looks at us she thinks, “Well my Grandma never looked like they do.”
Ok, that’s a good thing. 
Heck, my mom didn’t look like we do at this age either (but I didn’t tell her that).
As I’m writing this, I’m looking across the room at my husband.
He’s still so handsome, still a stud at 61 (62 in June).
I can’t picture him at 80 either, though he has an advantage over me.
He’s 100% Filipino. Great skin, lots of muscle.
My German genes don’t age as well.
He tells me I’m beautiful all the time. Will he think I’m beautiful at 80?
What the heck??? Why am I talking about 80????
Alright, before you think I’m a bit hyper-focused on this, I truly don’t spend a lot of time thinking about it.  I'm not chasing youth. What I do think about is how I can continue to take care of myself so that I age well. Here are a few of my favorites:

Keep walking outside 6 days/week.
Keep doing resistance training 2-3x/week.
Keep SEED OILS out of my diet.
Keep refined sugar out of my diet.
Keep drinking at least ½ my body weight in ounces of water/daily
Keep taking measures to get good sleep.
Keep working to reduce stress.
Keep intermittent fasting.
Keep regular dentist appointments.
Keep smiling and keep engaging with other people.
Keep appreciating how blessed I am.
So, what can I do to help you as you age?
This is what I have devoted my life to: Helping you.
Want to know if Coaching is right for you? Got 20 minutes? That’s all it will take for us to answer that question. If you think it’s a good fit, I have just a few openings in my schedule.
One positive move you can make is to start Intermittent Fasting. I want to shout from the roof tops how necessary this is, for so many reasons! 
Sign up for my: 
Intermittent Fasting Workshop for Middle-Aged Women.
Saturday, April 8, 2023, 10 am – 12 noon, CT.
Held on Zoom
Just $79
Learn when to eat, what to eat and how to move in middle-age. What you do today will be good for you today and tomorrow and 20 years from now. I promise! 
Sign up on my website:
Check out what previous participants have to say:
I loved it! For the 1st time in 30 years, with your help, I’m cured of “diet brain.” Yes, it’s a lifestyle change but, in each session, you teach in a way that brings huge relief. Keep doing what you do!

Thanks for the great information and encouragement! Two great quotes stick with me: “Delay don’t deny” and “What’s wrong with being hungry?” Very helpful!
-Beth Ann  

My biggest takeaway was the impact of putting all the information together; it’s doable and it’s simple.
You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain (except weight) by attending this powerful workshop!
I’ll see you there!

Take good care of you!
Coach Renee

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