This Is How I Do It

Hello! I'm a week late due to the holiday.

Whew! I don’t know where you were on July 4th, but it was incredibly hot where I am (was).

But the heat didn’t stop us from being outside and celebrating. I walked my 4 miles in the morning, we had our 30thneighborhood Independence Day Parade followed by breakfast in a sweet neighbor’s front yard and ended the day with going to a huge outdoor buffet for dinner. Nothing is going to stop me on a holiday. Why? Because holidays are free days for me. I eat whatever and whenever I want on major holidays followed by jumping right back into fasting the following day.
Wait, let me back up….if you’re new to my newsletter you need to know that I Intermittent Fast. I’ve adopted a new, great blend of fasting and feasting since February. My weight was starting to creep up a bit, so I adopted a couple of 36 hour fasts each week. Here’s what that looked like for me:

Monday: 4-hour window (of eating), 2-6
Tuesday: Fast all day
Wednesday (Feast day!): Breakfast at 6 am, heavy snack in the afternoon (lunch?) and dinner, finishing by 6 pm.
Thursday: Fast all day
Friday: Repeat of Wednesday.
Saturday and Sunday: 4-hour
Since I am comfortable with my weight (I lost a pound/week on average), I dropped one of the 36 hour fasts and just do it on Tuesdays (followed by a feast day and 4 hour windows the rest of the week). This works for me! I share all of this so you can see that Intermittent Fasting is fluid. Rarely do we adopt an approach and stick to that same approach “forever.” Continue with your fasting regimen until it doesn’t work for you anymore…then switch it up!
Friends, let me remind you that fasting is a lifestyle not a diet. I sound like a broken record…but here we go again…diets don’t work. You know they don’t.
Please, please, please let me know if you need some help. Check out the testimonials on my website. I can help you! And if your mom, sister, cousin or friend is struggling, send them my way. I have a few spots in my schedule and they fill up quickly! Head over to my website and fill out the contact form. I’ll get right back to you.
I’ll close with a shout out to the women who attended the July Intermittent Fasting Workshop.
Don’t forget to text me your plan for the coming month. Thanks for your hearty (and hilarious) participation!
If you missed out, be sure to mark your calendar for the final workshop of the year-
Saturday, October 14, 2023 from 10 am- 12:30 pm
You can sign up on my website in a few months. This is your place for learning:
HOW TO MOVE to lose weight in middle age!

This is a FUN workshop and loaded with information!

If you think you might be interested in coaching, let's schedule a 20 minute phone chat to see if it's right for you!

I hope you're seriously enjoying your summer!
See ya next month,

Renee JocsonComment