Truth Be Told....

As I sit in my living room, literally watching the red leaves drop from my poinsettia, I'm feeling like a bit of a failure. I've never been good with plants.
All my plants die.

The Coach in me wants to reply with, "Is that a true statement? Have you NEVER been able to keep a plant alive??
Well no, it's not true.
I have been able to keep philodendrons alive. And ONLY philodendrons.
When the kids were little I called them my experiments (the plants, not my kids).
I would take one to the brink of death, ( plants), all dried out and droopy...then I would tell the kids to take a look at it again in the morning, by which time I had given it a huge drink. Voila! The kids would wake up and the plant would be standing at beautiful, green attention. Miraculous! Tho I must say it makes me sound like a bit of a power freak. Apparently, it didn't affect (or maybe it did) our oldest daughter. She is AMAZING with plants....and not just the easy ones like mine. I'm so impressed. Don't you love it when your kids go far beyond you in something? Such hope for the future of mankind.

So what are the things you tell yourself that aren't true?
I'll never be healthy.
I can't lose weight.
I"m fat.
It's so easy for everyone else.
I can't fast, I get too hungry and shaky.
I guess this is just the way it's going to be.

Ok, again...are those statements true?
Are you being honest?
Do you often tell yourself things that aren't true?

Would these be true statements?
I'm not healthy right now, but with some effort I can get there.
I can lose weight. I just haven't found the best route.
I'm overweight, but I don't plan to stay this way.
It looks easy for other people, but they have to work at it too.
I CAN fast. There's nothing wrong with being hungry.
This is NOT the way my life, my health and my weight needs to be.

How about we agree to be honest with each other?
As a Coach, this is my expectation.
I mean, who does it harm if you hire me and aren't honest with me?

The honest factor shows up in that free 20 minute phone call I offer.
If you haven't been honest with yourself or with others, now is the time to turn that around.
Take me up on this. It's a good idea.

Oh, and one more plant story: One of my philodendrons is HUGE. I can actually hear it growing.
Twice now I have heard a new leaf "pop" as it springs out from another leaf. You "plant people" probably already know this....but I found it amazing! Can't take my eyes off of it now!

I'm looking for 2 women to join a group coaching experience.
Let me know if you're interested!

Oh....and...I'm in Gin Stephen's new book! 28-Day Fast Start.
Check it out. My story is on Day 2!
Plus, don't forget you can hear me on her Podcast: Intermittent Fasting Stories #267.

Finally, I want to thank the women of Journey Church in Normal IL.
They invited me to teach last month. We had a great time!
And I do believe they learned a thing or two.

Do you have a group in your life that could us some encouragement and education re: health and weight loss? I also teach via Zoom. Email me and let me know!
Let's connect again in March!

Take good care,

Renee JocsonComment